Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Eagle Bend Apostolic Church has always supported national and international missions. We strive to support the work of Jesus Christ both at home and abroad.
Active Missionaries
Charles & Ava Fandale
Mark & Debra Naimy
Brandon & Tania Covey
Tony & Rhonda Adams
East Africa
Scotty & Gladys Grimh
Mark & Wanda Stumbo
Jordan & Lindsay Stumbo
Jordan & Lindsay Stumbo
South Africa
Horst & Sharon Krauss
Johannes & Peggy Marais
New Zealand
Lundy Logue
Damien & Mendy Erwin
Toufic & April Azar
Edmonds Family
Shirley Hickman
Ismael Cañas
Ismael Cañas
Sam & Betty Speer
Papua New Guinea
Randy & Debbie Watts
Ryan & Kimberly Marshall
Prison ministry

Eagle Bend Apostolic Church also supports the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ's prison ministry. The program that reaches out to this group of ladies is called, "The Princess Within". We strive to make sure the gospel of Jesus Christ is spread to all who will listen.
"...I will bless those who bless you..." Genesis 12:3.

God made a promise to Abraham that He would make him into a great nation. This nation is what we now know as Israel. God places His blessings upon those that bless Israel. Eagle Bend Apostolic Church believes that, when we support Israel, we are following the Lord's command. We are blessing the Lord's chosen nation, and therefore, God will fulfill His promise and bless us in return.
Local Support
Eagle Bend Apostolic Church also helps out in supporting our local shelters and disaster relief groups. We believe in showing God's love not only in word, but in deed.