Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Eagle Bend Apostolic Church has multiple children's ministries.
Sunday School:
Nursery (age Newborn - 24 months)
Toddle Class (age 2-3 years)
Littles Class (Pre-K & K)
Early Elementary (1st - 3rd Grade)
Late Elementary (4th - 6th Grade)
Littles Class (age 2-4 years)
Children's Choir (K - 6th Grade)
Kids Quest (K - 6th Grade)
Sunday School:
Nursery (age Newborn - 24 months)
Toddle Class (age 2-3 years)
Littles Class (Pre-K & K)
Early Elementary (1st - 3rd Grade)
Late Elementary (4th - 6th Grade)
Littles Class (age 2-4 years)
Children's Choir (K - 6th Grade)
Kids Quest (K - 6th Grade)
New & Expecting Mothers
Eagle Bend Apostolic Church has multiple accommodations for new and expectant mothers. Our facility features a "Mother's Room" and "Family Room" perfect for nursing mothers and small children adjusting to new experiences.