Pastor Blake Miller & Family
Senior Pastor
Dedicating their lives to the service of the Lord is Pastor and Sis. Miller's greatest pursuit. They both grew up just outside of Athens, Georgia and married in 2010. Pastor Miller graduated from The University of Georgia in 2011 and Sis. Miller from the University of North Georgia in 2014. They served their local church until they followed the Lord's call to evangelism in 2014 when Pastor Miller received his general license. Pastor Miller felt the call of God to come to Clinton, TN in 2017 and received his ordination in 2019. Pastor and Sis. Miller along with their three children, Tessa, Archer, and Evelynn Miller, have been serving Eagle Bend Apostolic Church since January of 2018.

Bishop David & Susan Triplett
Founding Pastor
Pastor David and Sis. Susan Triplett have dedicated their lives to the work of the Lord. They began their ministry at First Apostolic Church of Knoxville, TN and founded Eagle Bend Apostolic Church in 1983. Pastor and Sis. Triplett have authored a repertoire of literature including "The 6W Prayer Method", "Piano Praise and Worship" piano teaching method, and "The New Beginnings" Sunday School curriculum for new converts. Eagle Bend Apostolic Church has a strong Biblical foundation because of their dedication to the kingdom of God. Countless people have heard the good news of Jesus Christ through their ministries.